Normally, this would be the part of the year where we share the cool products you may have missed at NAYDO 2020. In light of the conference being canceled, we still wanted to bring you a roundup of the cool products that would have been on display — the products you need to pay attention to. Use this 2020 Cool Products Guide for a peek at some of the top equipment, services and products in the fitness industry.
Convergent Non Profit Solutions
We’re a national fundraising firm that helps YMCA organizations secure the funding needed to maximize their impact. Our feasibility study and capital campaign clients learn how to translate what they do into what funders in their community will invest in — a powerful approach that ends the constant struggle for funding.
800.886.0280 — —
We get it. The challenge of limited resources goes beyond office supplies — it impacts communication with stakeholders and how you promote your organization. Lucidpress empowers your organization to scale content creation by giving everyone the ability to create quality, on-brand materials and customize content based on location and audience.
888.705.4096 — —
The Performance Plus Treadmill sets a new standard with a shock-absorbing slat-belt and a high-efficiency drive that makes even the most intense runs feel comfortable, solid and smooth, lasting up to 100,000 miles in the most intense environments. Despite this incredible evolution of technology, service and maintenance have never been easier.
608.839.8686 —
Personal Safety At Work
Personal Safety at Work is a company that focuses on conference keynotes and live corporate training on employee personal safety for employees to avoid being a victim of a crime and eLearning modules. We also deliver a course on distracted driving that is offered via live training and eLearning training.
919.414.3672 — —