Have you ever wanted to run, bike and swim a triathlon without having to actually run, bike and swim for three straight hours? At the...
Read moreDetailsOffering personal training at your facility provides more programming options for your members and revenue for your facility. Below, we’ll explore some of the best...
Read moreDetailsCorporate wellness is a way community rec centers can serve the local workforce and benefit the whole community as a result. Through classes and services...
Read moreDetailsOffering stand-out personal training programs begins with the trainers in your facility. At the Deland Branch of the Volusia Flagler Family YMCA in Florida, all...
Read moreDetailsCreated in 1965, pickleball is a new sport, relatively speaking. Originally designed as a simple game for kids to play in their yards, pickleball has...
Read moreDetailsThe fitness industry is constantly changing, with new technology and exercise classes surfacing regularly. It’s imperative for community rec centers to keep pace with these...
Read moreDetailsSpecialized classes are a great way to support and empower the moms in your community, especially for Mother’s Day. The Tom A. Finch Community YMCA,...
Read moreDetailsIn addition to signing a waiver prior to participating in group exercise classes at your facility, members need to be kept safe through the constant...
Read moreDetailsAcross the country, many community rec centers offer boxing programs where students can learn basics such as balance, foot work, and defensive and offensive skills....
Read moreDetailsDid you know those who join a fitness center without accountability are part of the average yearly 43 percent dropout rate? But, with accountability, that...
Read moreDetails© 2023 Community Rec Magazine. Published by Peake Media.