Cassandra Stish of Welld Health, details how holistic health models focused on community wellness can revolutionize community rec centers.
The community recreation sector is increasingly embracing a holistic health model, which not only boosts member satisfaction but also unlocks new revenue possibilities. This inclusive approach, attuned to individual needs, is set to revolutionize the opportunities for community recreation centers, and you can get in on it.
It all starts with membership. Work with third-party payers. A key strategy involves accepting insurance-supported fitness benefits or check-in reimbursement programs (CHIRP), which cover membership costs. These programs, offered by providers such as Optum, Tivity, ASH, Gympass and more, help attract new members and encourage regular participation. You can also negotiate directly with health plans to expand your reach, introducing a wide range of individuals to the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Consider a tiered services approach, supplying the basic membership level with a CHIRP enrollment, and then providing upsell options for access to premium classes and services.
Offer custom onboarding. Implementing a structured onboarding process that identifies a member’s reason for joining and helps them meet their goals is critical for retention. This tailored approach guides members in defining their health needs and goals and helps them understand how your center can support them on their journey. By creating a personalized experience, members are more likely to feel connected and motivated. To prove your ongoing impact, use a secure tool to document and report health benchmarks and progress from these assessments.
Diversify programs to meet member needs. Cater to the diverse health needs of your community, and offer specialized programs targeting specific conditions such as hypertension, metabolic syndrome and obesity. Address the unique health challenges of your members by providing classes and interventions that address chronic conditions. This will enhance your value and appeal and position your center as a proactive public health advocate.
Develop a referral network. Partner with local healthcare providers to create additional growth opportunities. Establishing and maintaining a strong referral network facilitates a smooth transition from clinical care to community wellness activities. This collaboration enhances your credibility and expands your influence, drawing a wider demographic into your health and wellness initiatives.
Work with employers on program membership packages. Engage corporate partners with membership offerings and proven program results to further demonstrate your dedication to health excellence. By highlighting the measurable benefits of your programs, you can attract corporate sponsorship and investment, bolstering financial stability while aligning with the wellness objectives of the business community.
Prove it. Measure your impact. Finally, use program outcome data to pursue community health grants and health insurance contracts as a sophisticated sustainability strategy. By rigorously documenting and analyzing health outcomes, you can present compelling evidence of your impact, making you an attractive candidate for funding and partnerships that can expand your offerings and accessibility.
Building a comprehensive health and wellness experience requires a multifaceted approach that prioritizes individual member needs while seeking innovative partnerships and funding avenues. By adopting these strategies, you can transform your center into a vibrant health and wellness hub, achieving outstanding results for your members and the community. This integrated approach not only enhances individual well-being, but also strengthens community vitality and resilience, laying the groundwork for a healthier future.
Cassandra Stish is the chief customer officer at Welld Health. She can be reached via email at or visit