It is essential to understand just how fragile our member relationships are. It is much easier to lose a member due to poor customer service...
Read moreDetailsThe struggle is real. For many of us who manage the social media accounts for our organizations, continuously low engagement rates on our most valuable...
Read moreDetailsEven though most people consider local community recreation services to be valuable assets, there is no denying that low engagement has led to diminishing participation....
Read moreDetailsAccording to a Statista study on internet usage, 90.9% of internet users in the U.S. regularly access an email account on a daily basis. With...
Read moreDetails"Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?" — L.M. Montgomery If you have worked in...
Read moreDetailsThe vast majority of consumers today use an internet search when trying to find health and wellness services near them. Given this increasing reliance on...
Read moreDetailsWhile I was at the 2019 General Assembly of YMCAs, I had the pleasure of getting insights from several community rec professionals on the future...
Read moreDetails“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does.” — Steuart...
Read moreDetailsIf you’re still sending out 30,000 identical emails to people, from past board members to a parent whose kid took a swim lesson six years...
Read moreDetailsSocial media personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers. They are developed by an in-depth analysis of your target audience — whether it’s age,...
Read moreDetails© 2023 Community Rec Magazine. Published by Peake Media.